Foot & Nail Fungus

If you have discolored nails or itchy feet, it could be because of foot and nail fungus. At Littleton Foot and Ankle Clinic, PLLC, in Littleton, Colorado, board-certified podiatrist Alfred Kwon, DPM, and his experienced staff offer numerous treatments for your condition to eliminate the fungus once and for all. Call the office to schedule an appointment or request one online today.

Foot & Nail Fungus Q & A

What is foot and nail fungus?

Foot and nail fungus is a type of infection. It can affect your toes, toenails, and feet, and feel uncomfortable. Foot fungus is also commonly called athlete’s foot. If at-home treatments don’t eliminate unpleasant symptoms, see the Littleton Foot and Ankle Clinic experts for an evaluation.

What are the symptoms of foot and nail fungus?

Common symptoms of foot and nail fungus vary from person to person and may include:

  • Burning
  • Stinging
  • Scaly, peeling, cracked skin
  • Itchiness
  • Blisters
  • Dry skin on your feet
  • Nail discoloration
  • Thickened nails
  • Inflamed skin

Complications that could develop because of untreated foot and nail fungus include the spreading of the fungus and worsening discomfort. You also have a higher risk of developing an infection.

What are the risk factors for foot and nail fungus?

Anyone can develop foot and nail fungus, but some things increase your risk of having one of these bothersome conditions. Examples include:

  • Wearing damp socks or shoes
  • Warm, humid conditions
  • Contact with a person who has foot or nail fungus
  • Walking barefoot in public areas
  • Sweating heavily
  • Contact with contaminated surfaces
  • Wearing enclosed footwear
  • Sharing personal items, such as shoes

You can get foot or toenail fungus by walking barefoot in locker rooms, swimming pool areas, saunas, and public showers.

Ways to reduce the chance of developing fungus include washing your feet daily, letting them air out, and changing your socks regularly. Wash your shoes periodically, avoid walking barefoot in public areas, and don’t share personal items with other people.

How does my provider diagnose foot and nail fungus?

Dr. Kwon diagnoses athlete’s foot or nail fungus after evaluating your feet, toes, and nails. To confirm a diagnosis and detect or rule out additional problems, he may take a skin scraping or sample of an infected toenail for lab analysis. He then personalizes your treatment plan.

How is foot and nail fungus treated?

To treat foot and nail fungus, Dr. Kwon might recommend trying home remedies, such as keeping your feet dry and clean, using antifungal products, changing your socks often, and wearing well-ventilated shoes.

He could suggest prescription-strength creams or ointments, medicated nail polishes, oral antifungal pills, or a combination of treatments. He may need to remove part or all of an infected toenail in some instances.

To get treated, call the Littleton Foot and Ankle Clinic or request an appointment online today.

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